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We manage a few pages, and we also have had others manage our pages, but people say if you have 100,000 likes it makes a big difference, is it true?
It’s a yes and no, it all depends on how you put it out there for your target market.
There are many who will offer you for a low fee to market your page and get you so many likes, but they sometimes bring you the wrong likes.

How to Put Links in Blogger Comments

Right, here's the clever bit. Pick the URL of the post you want to link to in a comment on someone's site, then type this into the comment box:

<a href="URL of the post you want to link to in a comment">Comment Text</a>

Simply replace the first red text with the URL of the post or blog you want to link to, and make the second Blue text you want to display. So that would show up as Comment Text in a comment, and would link back !

How To Create A Sitemap For Blogger Blog

Today! I will discuss a tutorial about on How To Create A Sitemap For Blogger Blog. For those who don’t know, Why do we need to create sitemap to our blog? Sitemap is a list of pages (directory or table of content) of our blogsite to easily navigate our blog post.

How To Add Reply Button To Blogger Comment

In this article I will discuss to you a tutorial about on How To Add Reply Button To Blogger Comment. Adding reply button to your blogger is the way to communicate and continuing a conversational exchange to people who written feedback or comment for your article.

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